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Our Projects - Youth Group Edible Garden

Our first project is funded by Leicestershire & Rutland Community Foundation.


To provide an edible garden project for the local community specifically focusing on the young people in the Scouting groups (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) to provide produce from their new edible garden to the older members of the community in local sheltered housing or care home environments.


The project would involve the transformation of the existing space to make it more environmentally friendly via the creation of; Bug Hotel Wormery Hedgehog Sanctuary


First Lutterworth's Akela (Kathryn Gutridge)
Rosita Page, County Councillor
Lee Connelly, Skinny Jeans Gardner
Louise Mercieca, Good Food Academy

Louise Mercieca Radio Leicester 22-9-202
00:00 / 05:10

Louise and Lee on BBC Radio Leicester with  Summaya Mughal discussing the edible garden project.

Our Partners

With thanks to Leicestershire & Rutland Community Foundation for the funding to run this project.

 For more information visit 


With thanks to Lee Connelly, the UK's #1 Children's Gardening Educator - AKA The Skinny Jeans Gardener for his involvement - for more information on Lee's work on Blue Peter, BBC Teach and in the House of Lords please visit -


With thanks to Sue Tonks at Hydroveg for the donation of a Hydroveg kit and the education sessionsto help the children grow their own produce - for more information on these visit -


With thanks to Vikki Henderson at My Eco Endeavours for the ecological cleaning products and educational talks on the environmental and health benefits of removing chemicals when cleaning up after cooking and food preparation.

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