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Our Ambassadors

The scale of the problem is huge, beyond anything we can influence at the scale which is needed – we cannot influence Government nor the food industry (although we will keep lobbying).  What we can do is influence our communities and that is what we aim to do with Good Food Academy but we need YOUR help.  We need people who will shout with us!


These awesome people all share our mission for all things to do with food, nutrition and the need for immediate change, they help us to spread the word (even though we are quite loud), many voices are stronger than two!

"Over the past 10 years of teaching children how to grow their own I have seen the importance of what food means and the role it plays in their lives. The Good Food Academy is bringing further education to communities on this subject that will make a massive difference in the future of food, health and education"

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 Issues that affects the fabric of our society. As we embark on this mission, let us remember: 


"Food is not just a matter of survival. It is the passport to health, wealth, and equality in society. The Good Food Academy strives on building shared prosperity and wellness this depends on every child nourished, every family fed. No mouth should be empty of nutrition because every life is full of potential."

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"So far I’ve worked with over 40,000 children and what’s key to helping them thrive is having access to good food, quality nutrition, education and creating communities to support their parents and caregivers. This is exactly what The Good Food Academy provides and I’m proud to be an ambassador for such a fantastic cause".

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