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Who we are

Louise & Lucy are both passionate about the role of food on shaping the biological health and development of children but also the habits that drive food behaviours long into adulthood.  Early intervention with food will shape not only formative development but life-long habits and food behaviours.


Louise and Lucy are both Personal Trainers, both excited about food and both well and truly annoyed at the fact that so many people are living in food poverty and experiencing health issues which, really should not be an issue.  They are determined to make an impact to help to shape the health of a generation in a different direction to the one predicted for them.


Louise is a Nutritional Therapist who understands food habits, addictions and behaviours and the impact that these have on physical and mental health.  Louise also specialises in nutrition for children’s brain development and the vital importance of food for formative development.  Louise also works with businesses to show the role of nutrition in the workplace and its’ impact on physical health, stress and mental health.


Lucy is an early-years consultant, coach and mentor who is passionate about leading a lifetime of learning. Lucy is also a nursery owner and founder of The Profitable Nursery Academy.  Lucy understands the early years sector and how a nursery is not just a business but a community – accessing communities via nurseries will enable us to not only support the business but the wider community that they, the nursery support and serve.


Together they are the Good Food Academy.

Our founders - Louise & Lucy

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