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Our Mission

Our mission at the Good Food Academy is based on reversing the above prediction on life expectancy for a generation of children.   The current situation for many children and families in the UK today is one of food poverty and associated ill-health. We know that the need for food banks has increased by 123% in the last five years and this certainly looks set to continue rising but food banks cannot be the answer to this problem.


Whilst it is desperately sad and frustrating for us to think of people, particularly children going hungry there are much wider health, wealth and social implications at stake.


Within the UK today we have very real poverty and this brings with it health inequalities. Income is associated with health but Health is about much more than the individuals’ personal health it is a reflection on society and indeed on the country itself.  


It isn't just children and families who are suffering.  This is a very real health, food and energy crisis.  Food is so important for our overall health and well-being but also should be a source of enjoyment, fun, creative, shared experiences and forming memories.  With food insecurity a lot of that is taken away and this can be very unsettling.

“We could see the first generation of children to be expected to have shorter life spans than their parents if current trends on obesity, nutrition and lifestyle continue”


Source – The Lancet Volume 371 Issue 9607

In 202021 1 in 513.4 million people (3.9 million children) in the UK had insufficient mone

How we work

Our difference is that we don’t want to simply provide food to communities, we want to empower communities to truly understand the role of food.  We know that we will need to work with supermarkets, farms and other providers to access the food itself but we believe the big difference is educating to leave a legacy, a generation able to understand food and make informed choices.


The Good Food Academy aims to provide ‘Leading, Lifetime, Learning’ this is where our backgrounds, education and experience enable us to provide the tools for people to understand the true role of food.


The Good Food Academy also appreciates that knowledge is worthless if you simply can’t afford to act on that knowledge, hence the ‘With a Helping Hand’ angle.  This is where we will provide the physical tools (food, equipment, training, cooking workshops etc) to communities with the aim of enabling them to achieve the goal of being self-sufficient.

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We work alongside existing community /crisis/chatty cafe's and help set up new ones so that everyone has somewhere warm to go for something to eat and someone to talk to.

We are keen to work with sports coaches to help young people and adults understand the importance of moving for physical and mental health but, we'd like to feed them whilst they attend sessions and show them how food is essential for any sports.

Good Food Academy - CIC Number 14654648

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